Tuesday 14 December 2010

Evaluation Question Four

Evaluation Question Three

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I learnt a lot from my audience feedback. It allowed me to hear vital feedback from my target audience. Audience feedback was very important to me because it gave me the needed feedback about the viral campaigns that I was going to use.

Monday 13 December 2010

Evaluation Question Two

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The use of our product and combination of ancillary texts stand out a lot because we used a lot of unique technique methods.  The main thought at hand was to make our movie publications stand out more and also appeal to our target audience.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Evaluation Question One

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                    Horror film Trailer

My media product (trailer) challenges the forms and conventions of real media products by the type of iconography used.  This was very important because I didn’t want to make a typical dated trailer but more of a trailer that appeals to our target audience.  The main issue was trying to keep the conventions of slasher horror in a modern day type of horror movie.  This was done in many ways by mise en scene and non-diegetic sound used for the trailer.   My trailer challenges the conventions of the horror genre because it goes against the norm.  There are camera shots and motions used that appeal to a modern audience.  Our trailer is realistic and that’s what immediately breaks away from the classical horror genre conventions.  By putting the scenarios in a realistic modern state it makes people much more frightened.  Here is a video below of the trailer devil and how they used a realistic method to make their horror movie appeal.  Our USP has also stood out for example the use of no person or character on the front page of our magazine. 

Horror Film Still Shots

Here are a few shots from shooting on the day!

Horror Magazine Audience Feedback

I put our magazine poster on two of the most popular social networking sites of 2010

Twitter : 



This was very important because we gain a lot of feedback from on our posters and with the use of twitter random members from all over the world were commenting on our magazine front cover. Another good point was that we reach out to our taregt audience via the use of social networking sites and they gave us valuble feedback on how to improve our poster and make it look better and appeal more.  Images are shown below



As you can see they are both crictical and also very happy with our level of work.  So from this feedback I belive we succeeded in appealling to our target audience.

Horror Magazine Front cover

Like the film poster this magazine had many influences from independant film magazines to major ones. 


The main thing I like about our poster is that I believe we stuck strongly to the genre by the use of blood and also the background image on the magazine. I belive that we did well by trying to appeal to a youthful target audience. I feel that the iconograpgy also makes a strong reference to the horror genre because it shows classical elements e.g. the use of the red blood.  This poster challenges the classical horror conventions by the text of the film title used and also with the type of language used to communicate with the audience. 

Horror Film Poster


Horror Movie Poster Draft

We made a draft to get the basic idea for our film poster. This was mainly becasue we had many influences for it as shown in previous posts,  we believe that this is the product we are going to develop and improve on to give it that commerical image and appeal.


We feel as a draft this is very strong becasue the graffti text appeals to our target audience. I also belive it is strong becasue we have kept the hype for the movie on the poster 'UNLEASH THE HAVOC'.  It also looks very realistic and I believe this is becasue the use of the production companies and ratings from other magazines etc.

Sounds Used

Sound Literally makes the horror film trailer work because it adds suspense and life to the trailer. Be it the sound of a heartbeat or heavy breathing, sound is always needed to make a trailer effect  and attract people to go and watch the actual movie. I visited various sound websites and look at many horror videos to see how they created suspense.  

I got most of my non-diegtic sound from the website: http://soundbible.com/suggest.php?q=horror


The main thing that made me want to use this website was that it was free to download sounds and very simple because they were small files. This website contained the essentails for a horror movie trailer scary and eyecatching. 

Heres a link to the breathing we used : http://soundbible.com/766-Slow-Breathing.html

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Evidence of filming

Below is a slide show of my outtakes of filming.

The evidence of filming os important because it shows that we actually went out and filmed and we did not steal it.