Saturday 11 December 2010

Evaluation Question One

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                    Horror film Trailer

My media product (trailer) challenges the forms and conventions of real media products by the type of iconography used.  This was very important because I didn’t want to make a typical dated trailer but more of a trailer that appeals to our target audience.  The main issue was trying to keep the conventions of slasher horror in a modern day type of horror movie.  This was done in many ways by mise en scene and non-diegetic sound used for the trailer.   My trailer challenges the conventions of the horror genre because it goes against the norm.  There are camera shots and motions used that appeal to a modern audience.  Our trailer is realistic and that’s what immediately breaks away from the classical horror genre conventions.  By putting the scenarios in a realistic modern state it makes people much more frightened.  Here is a video below of the trailer devil and how they used a realistic method to make their horror movie appeal.  Our USP has also stood out for example the use of no person or character on the front page of our magazine. 

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