Friday 24 September 2010

Applying recognisable coventions of trailers

In order to play with the recognisable conventions of trailer groups.  We came up with ideas of how to market and promote bloodshed high.

For this task I was working with Hannah Ajala, Eleona Yuzon.

Heres a picture of out story board for the given task...

We first assigned roles Hannah was going to be dealing with the introduction.  In the introduction this is were we as a group decide that the USP ( unique selling point) should also be highlighted here, which was the fact that we were goign to using english vampires instead of the typical cliche American blood sucking vampires. Another USP was the fact that instead of doing an expected base of the highschool drama scenario we chose to use a shed as a drug point instead of a certain area withing a school.  Hannah was also going to discuss who was going to deal with the production and we chose ...

We chose to use Lionsgate because they do not usally deal with horrors they normally deal with inspriational and motivating movies so we believed that this will have a great impact. Another point that hannah was going to mention was the part of the storyboard and this was to highlight on key issues of our movie that would aid our USP. I then entered and dicussed the various shot types we were going to use and this was because we believed it was very important to keep the audience and viewers interested in the whole plot and movie direction. I also discussed the type of characters we were going to be using and were in the trailer we will show this. I spoke of using Alexander Skarsgard and Rachel Wood.

This was because they had experience in the popluar American series True blood.  We felt that puttig them in this movie would be the best thing for publicity and also it would bring in lots of viewers.  We chose to put the names of the characters at the end to make them much more memorable and also appealing for people to see.  I also discussed the release which was in summer.  This was becasue it would have been to cliche for the movie to come out in October being it was halloween. So summer was the best time for the release of the movie.  I lastly also discussed the age group and we thought it being a horror it should be from age fifthteen and up. Eleona went on to discuss the non-diegetic sound features and also the sound track.  We obviously knew being that it was a horror you needed a lot of sounds that created suspense.  We also agreed not to include a voice over as it is to dated and extremely retro.  We chose to use the American rock band Paramore this is mainly because they appeal to a certain audience and have also been on Twlight's trailer with their song 'Decode'.



I think our presentation went very well becasue we highlighted  the important points and covered what was wanted with unique ideas.  I think I fwe had more time we could have came up with stronger ideas that would appeal more and also stand out more but I would give our current presentation a six out of ten.

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