Tuesday 12 October 2010

Horror Iconography and Ideology

What visual and written codes are being used? 
The visual codes being used immediately reference the horror genre.  By the us the viewers being able to see something so horrific as a mouth with no teeth and also the added detail to the design immediately rings the alarm for the horror genre. Another image reference to the horror genre is the level of detail for instance the dirt in the characters nose in the image.  The middle image colour code does not really make a reference to the horror genre but I believe this was due to the difference in the time period.  I mention this because in other time periods technology was not so advanced as it was now so this could of had a major effect on how the movie poster ended up looking.  The third poster on the other hand 'screams' horror and this is due to the use of the colour red and also the demonic type of creatures used on the top surface, only the horror genre could be this extreme with their posters. 

The written codes have a ghostly effect that is another specific formula of the genre. The name of the the movie 'Saw'  is also placed in between the disfigured victims mouth which references the movie back to the horror genre. In the the third poster there are many references to horror for example the type of drippy blood type of font and also the use of red on the font.

What information do they provide about the films? 

The codes given provide us that the films are there to scare us the viewers and mainly that they are of the horror genre. The also provide details of the sort of activity that will be occurring within the film e.g. in the Dracula film posters we are shown the infamous sharp canines.  With the saw movie we are shown the disturbing image of the character with no teeth and that can be a reference to many things but it appears to mainly be about suffering.

What other information might you have expected but is missing?

The information that I might of expected from the first poster is probably just a reference to the blood but apart from that I believe that it is scary enough it also provides us with a date that makes a reference to the characters teeth ... opening wide this halloween.  I believe that this is genius and also a smart way of getting the best out of the film by inter linking the everything together. For the second poster I would have used a much more bloody font that has a stronger reference to horror like the third poster did.  As mentioned I believe this is due to the time period, in the 30s I believe what was marketable at that time is not at the current moment. For the third poster I would have expected nothing and this is mainly because it represents a horror in a smart and unusual way e.g. the way they put Dracula into a gale stone.  The actors are mentioned because sometimes you have iconic actors for a certain genre e.g. action movies... Arnold Schwarzenegger.  The text used for the third horror was also suitable fr the genre because it is something that you would expect within a horror poster.

In what ways do these posters create a sense of enigma?

These posters create a sense of enigma because they could represent anything.  e.g with the first poster it could be a really scary name for a dental patients bad experiences.  when it comes to posters for movies you can never determine the full facts without looking at the film trailer. The second poster for example could be about a science experiment or a cartoon. Lastly the third could be about something demonic that has no association to the vampire or Dracula category. The negative factor of film posters is that they could represent many things and without a detailed analysis this can be misread.

How are the film producers trying to create a sense of danger and equilibrium?

The film producers are trying to create a sense of danger and equilibrium by providing us with realistic situations that we never expected to be in and expands our expectations and views thus effecting our mental state.  The producers also try to create a sense of danger by exposing us to unexpected events or murders e.g. in sorority row


we are given many instances were people die and were people are killed with realistic object in realistic situations that make you feel physically unsafe.

What genre do these films belong to?

These films belong to the horror genre and this is represented through font, image and mise en scene.

What are the generic conventions that are at work in these posters?

The generic conventions that are at work are the use of the colour red which is often used to represent the colour of blood.  Another generic convention that is used is the use of gore e.g. in the saw movie poster it makes a strong reference to horror.  Another strong reference to the horror genre is the use of the vampire teeth,  I say this because you only see vampire teeth within a horror movie.

What differing representations of 'the other' or 'the monster' do they present? 

In 'Saw' the movie is about wrong doers who do not appreciate life and they are suffering for what they have done to others e.g. committing crimes etc.  Both of the Dracula's are very different from the modern aspect.  This is because over time Dracula's image has changed drasticly. Within these two posters Dracula is presented to us as green similar to the hulk of the modern generation and then in the third poster dracula is presented to us in a stone manner that resembles a demon not the stereotypical cape and jet black haired Dracula.

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