Monday 18 October 2010

Research stock characters in Slasher Horror

Stock characters are characters that you expect to see within a certain genre movie,  for example with romantic movies you would expect mans best friend and females best friend and they usually orientate the main relationship around them when they have hardships. I am going to be discussing the stock characters within slasher horror. 

The Wander 

There is always a wander in horror movies that causes the killer to kill off the victims one by one.  The stock character would often say the typical phrase 'let's spilt up' and one by one they begin to get killed off.  For example in the movie Freddy vs Jason the death of the character Kia.
The Popular Girl
The popular girl is usually smart, stuck up and extremely two faced, they are pro-dominantly hated but but have a lot of respect because of there wealth.  Below is a slide show showing all types of images of various popular girls within the horror category.

The Jock

The jock is often the popular male in the horror movies.  He is the captin of a sport often American football or soccer and he is known as one of the best.  The jock is also known for his image which appeals to many. Below is a picture slide show of some of the Jocks within different horror movies.

Apart from just being the popular good looking characters they are also often used as the killers and this is very smart because they are the closet to the victims and given a lot of respect so it is definietly not expect from them.  Below is part of the movie my bloody valetine which reveals the killer.

                   The Final Girl

The final girl in horrors is code for the pretty who survives.  This is very common within horrors e.g. Scream one, two and three.  The final girl witnesses the murders but lives to tell the story.  Below is a video from a horror of a final girl.


The pandora is a part of the movie were something  that is important gets discovered e.g. the killer or the reason why are certain things are occuring. Every horror has this because its the reason why the killer goes on his spree. Below is the trailer of the movie 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' and it rveals why the popular killer Freddy Kruger kills.

The Pervert

The pervert in horrors is the almost always a man that wants to sleep with the girls and will do anything to get in bed with them. They often die aorund the start of the movie and this is oftenly because they are to busy trying to have sex rather than being aware of whats going on around them.  Below is link to a scene from the movie 'House of wax', it demonstrates the given definition.

Getting Frisky - House of Wax

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