Wednesday 27 October 2010

Research - Mise en scene

Mise en scene is very important when considering any type of filming because it consist of using four main elements different camera shots, various types of editing, different conventions of sound and lastly the use of lighting, props etc.  All of these factors are very important when considering film etc. That is often why you see a news report crew with these objects below. 

 They are very important because they capture the best sounds using high end mics and best video quality using top line video cameras.  you would usually see a group like this above working as a news film crew.  Below is a video showing how they actually use the equipment even though it is in a humours manner.


The video below demonstrates what mise en scene is and how you apply it.  I like it because it was refreshing and reminded me of some of the concepts that were long forgotten.

Focusing on my groups project mise en scene is very important e.g. the lighting of the time of day.  Prefebably horrors are meant to be shot in the nighttime were objects and people come across as mysterious,  the main problem with this is was how are we going to lighting.  The positive thing is that street lights can sometimes have the best lighting and secondky they can also aid in creating a realistic effect.  The only negative problem Is that it often means relocating to find an area with better lighting. Below is a video that benefitted my group by showing us how to film with the night sky,  using electronic tricks etc.

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