Tuesday 2 November 2010

Film Production Companies

Film prodcution companies can be very important when it comes to movies e.g.

Twisted pictures are prodominanatly knoww for there creative procution work in the Saw sequeals. By the audience knowing the production company we automaticly begin to know their standard of work adn what they can deliver.  This is a good thing because production companies generate audience loyalty for example if twisted pictures was to create another horror movie the fanbase of the Saw sequeals would most likely go and see the new movie due to film loyalty. 

Another popular production company that focuses on the production of horrors and other themed movies is Paramount pictures. 
They have been around for quite sometime and are still going strong making multi million pound movies.  They are unuique from other production companies because they venture into many partnerships with different types of films e.g.  On the movie 'The Curious case of Benjamin Button'  they teamed up with the Warner bros and The Kennedy/Marshall Company.  Then with Paranormal activity two they teamed up DreamWorks pictures and Relativity media.  I believe that this was done so that there could be a better outcome on the mvoeis and there was.  Thisn is show on wikipedia by there gross profits.

My group and I have decided to use paramount for our production company becasue they are right in the middle of gore we believe.  They offer levels of production that is not to gruesome e.g. twisted pictures (Saw).  We feel they can protray and demonstrate what excactly needed which is to scare without using a lot of fake blood.

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