Monday 1 November 2010

Our title and Font

Having done research on film titles we felt that it was better for us as group to make a strong reference back to the movie. Our synopsis outlines what our movie is about and we have decided to calls our short horror film trailer Blood Runner.  We chose this because we felt that it made a strong reference to the synopsis but also had other meanings behind it, e.g. in the synopsis we mentioned how the victim is trying to runaway from the events that are happening around him.  We do feel that it is very important to make the title reference to what is actually going within the trailer because we do not want to mislead the audience.

Looking at other film titles it is important the design matches the genre but also makes an apparent refernce to what your fillm is about e.g.

This film poster's title makes a reference to paranormal activity that occurs within the movie and also has a read colour font which makes a strong reference to  the genre of the film horror.

The film poster above makes a strong reference to the horror genre by the ghostly effect on the font etc. Having watched the movie I also no that the title makles a refernce to an event that occurs within the movie.  


Font is very important when creating a horror movie because it tells your audience what type of movie you are making. For example if you were to have a really scary image then have a bubbly type font it will make your horror appear as a comic horror.  Having looked at many fonts on the website dafonts.

I have nailed it down to these ten that I am going to use.

1.   28 days later

2. Justice

4. Bleeding cowboys

5.  Birth of a hero

6. Kingdom Hearts

7. cold night for alligators

8. Bloody

9. Head injuries

10. Friday 13th

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