Monday 29 November 2010

The Script

The script is important but as it a film trailer and does not need to emphasise so much on the what the characters dialogue because that will give away to much information about the about the trailer.

Blood Runner (script)

Scene One

Dylan Arrives home from training turns on the light and hears a noise.  He looks up and goes on with life as if he has heard nothing, soon after he hears another.
Dylan: Hello?
(Walks up the stairs suspiciously, conscious of his surroundings)
Crrrrp (A noise comes from the bedroom)
Dylan opens the door and turns on the light and in the state of panic runs to the phone to call the police but soon finds the phone is engaged.  

Scene Two

Emily is on the phone in her house and walks into her bedroom.
Emily: Yeah Bobby ... you can come over tomorrow, my parents aren’t home so it will be fun.
(Phone conversation ends and she if left looking at her laptop whilst applying make up in front of the mirror)
The lights start to flicker (Emily begins to look at the light puzzled and walks over to the light switch)
Emily: Ok (she says as she pushes the light switch)
(The lights go out and she reaches for the light switch)  
Emily: Damn! Come on, come on! 
She goes to her dressing table and reaches out for her matchbox and as she strikes the match she is met with a blood note on the mirror.  
(She drops the match box and runs to the door but it slams)
Emily: (On all fours scrambles on the ground looking for her matchbox) Oh god! Come on!
(As she grabs the match box she is met with the infamous killer)

Part of our script.

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